ABOUT PUSKOR HINDUNESIAPuskor Hindunesia stands for the Indonesian Hindu Coordinating Center.Puskor...
ABOUT PUSKOR HINDUNESIAPuskor Hindunesia stands for the Indonesian Hindu Coordinating Center.Puskor Hindunesia Vision:Realizing a Hindunesia that is shanti, kertha and Jagadhita through the movement of ummah struggle, social solidarity for humanity and empowerment of the people through coordination and synergy with various Hindunesian components who share the same vision and care to maintain the implementation of the concept of harmony, Tri Hita Karana.Hindunesian Center Mission:1. Build coordination centers in all areas of the community, so that people can access information and public services easily.2. Develop a community information system in the form of a community database that will provide valid (legitimate) data regarding community resources.3. Actively fight for Hindu rights as part of the citizens of the Republic of Indonesia who uphold Pancasila, the 1945 Constitution, the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia and Bhineka Tunggal Ika, if they are treated unfairly, they will be discriminated against in the nation and state.4. Build an active coordination network and dharma volunteers throughout Indonesia to strengthen the unity and integrity of the ummah to support the development of Indonesian people who are moral, ethical and have a strong dharma mentality.5. Conducting social activities as a form of solidarity and togetherness as Hindunesian citizens with the support and active participation of dharma volunteers.6. Build and develop a joint economic system in the form of a joint business, to strengthen the economic foundation of the ummah together and independently.7. Coordinate and collaborate in synergy with all components of the community who care about Hinduism in Indonesia, with a spirit of pride in the identity of each tradition and local wisdom.8. Become an active struggle institution for the maintenance of the harmonization of the Tri Hita Karana (Parahyangan, Palemahan & Pawongan) Hindunesia.9. Carry out an active movement to build awareness through various media to strengthen Hindunesian solidarity, unity and togetherness.Puskor Movement Trilogy:1. Struggle, fighting for Hindu rights in the state and nation as part of the states treatment of the nations people in building this nation, without discrimination, majority monopoly and remembering the history of this nation. Strengthening this nations commitment to protect and maintain the Tri Hita Karana concept as a symbol of balance and the sanctity of the universe, which contains universal human values in their relationship with God, fellow humans and their natural environment.2. Social Humanity, strengthening social awareness and humanitarian solidarity between brothers and sisters in realizing Jagadhita.3. Empowerment, improving the quality of life of Hindunesian people, both in terms of sradha bhakti, human resources, economics, strengthening culture and traditions, as well as moral ethics through various forms of counseling, education and training both formal and informal, equipping adequate life skills through the Puskor which was formed to the village level.